Look For Non GMO on the label
Why does the bread i purchased have a label on it saying nongmoproject.org
The bread I purchased has a label on it saying nongmoproject.org because it is certified by the Non-GMO Project, an organization that verifies products are made without genetically modified organisms. This label provides reassurance to consumers who are concerned about the potential health and environmental risks associated with GMO include the potential for allergic reactions, unintended harm to beneficial insects and other non-target organisms, and the development of herbicide-resistant weeds.
“wait” hang on a second, this is not my concern, my concern is consuming food that has been engineered with roundup, the commercially available weed killer, lets get that clear!
To clarify my ignorance I believed they genetically modified the wheat itself inserting the roundup into its biology but in fact it’s not, they just use the shit out of it in production
There is also concern about the long-term effects of consuming GMOs on human health, as well as the impact of GMO crops on biodiversity and ecosystems. It is important for scientists, policymakers, and the public to carefully consider these risks and weigh them against the potential benefits of GMO technology.
These statements always crack me up, scientists are bought and paid for, politicians are lobbied bought and paid and the public is just not informed. HEY your consuming weed killer dip shit!
long-term effects of consuming GMOs on human health
The long-term effects of consuming genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on human health have been a subject of extensive study and debate. Here’s an overview of the current understanding:
Scientific Consensus and Major Studies
“Lets get something straight before we put our heads in the sand. WHO and NAS brought you the covid vaccine programs and mandated you poision yourself!”
- Safety Assessments: Numerous scientific bodies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), have reviewed the evidence and concluded that GMOs currently on the market are as safe to eat as their non-GMO counterparts. These assessments involve rigorous testing for potential toxicity, allergenicity, and nutritional differences.
- Long-Term Studies: Some long-term animal feeding studies have been conducted to assess the effects of GMOs. For example:
- A 2012 study by Snell et al. reviewed 24 long-term studies and concluded that GMOs did not pose any new risks compared to conventional crops.
- A 2013 review by Van Eenennaam and Young looked at data from over 100 billion animals over a 29-year period and found no significant health differences between those fed GMO and non-GMO diets.
- Meta-Analyses: Meta-analyses of numerous studies have generally found no adverse health effects from consuming GMOs. For instance, a 2014 meta-analysis by Nicolia et al. reviewed over 1,700 studies and found no significant evidence linking GMOs to health risks.
Specific Concerns
Despite the general consensus, there are some specific concerns that continue to be investigated:
“general consensus is what gets “YOU” DEAD!
- Allergenicity: The introduction of new proteins into foods via genetic modification could potentially create new allergens. However, GMOs are tested for allergenicity before they are approved for the market.
- Antibiotic Resistance: Some GMOs use antibiotic resistance markers during development. There is concern that this could contribute to antibiotic resistance in pathogens, although the likelihood of this happening through food consumption is considered low.
- Nutritional Changes: Genetic modification can alter the nutritional profile of food. These changes are assessed for potential health impacts before GMOs are approved.
Controversies and Public Perception
Public perception of GMOs often diverges from the scientific consensus. Factors contributing to this include:
“just courous has your mistrust gone up lately, big corp,govt, big farma,and big ag? It should!
- Mistrust of Corporations: Many GMOs are produced by large agricultural companies, leading to concerns about corporate control of the food supply.
- Labeling and Transparency: The debate over whether GMOs should be labeled continues, with some advocating for consumer choice and others arguing that it implies a health risk where none has been demonstrated.
Regulatory Framework
GMOs are subject to stringent regulatory reviews before they can be marketed. In the United States, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) all have roles in ensuring the safety of GMOs.
Conclusion If you believe the morons that work at these above agencies then eat the stuff, sugar puff cereal, fake flavored corn chips, big puffy yellow something
Overall, the weight of scientific evidence to date suggests that consuming GMOs does not pose any more risk to human health than consuming conventional foods. However, ongoing research and monitoring are essential to address new concerns as they arise and to ensure the continued safety of GMOs. Wholly shit, on going research?
By choosing products with the Non-GMO Project Verified label, individuals can make more informed decisions about the food they eat and “support companies that prioritize transparency and sustainability.” You mean there are companies that don’t prioritize transparency, you mean like Kellogg or Quaker.
You are what you eat sugar daddy. Look at your self in the mirror
Just to reinforce my opinion here is a recent response from the computer God
” one thing to ponder in this next segment, their statement” “While the levels of glyphosate residues in food are generally considered safe” Doesn’t sound like a scientific statement or consensus to me
Is roundup making its way into the food supply
Roundup, a popular herbicide containing glyphosate, is widely used in agriculture, conservation, and residential areas. The cultivation of Roundup Ready GMOs has increased food and feed contamination by glyphosate. Roundup Ready plants do not degrade glyphosate but tolerate it, accumulating residues during their growth.
Food Contamination
Glyphosate is used on over 70 crops, including almonds, apples, dry edible beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, grapes, rice, and sunflowers. It is also used in parks, gardens, along roads and railway tracks, and in cemeteries. This widespread use can lead to contamination of food and feed products.
Residues in Food
Studies have found that glyphosate and Roundup can be endocrine disruptors at levels permitted in tap water. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has tested various food products and found glyphosate residues in many of them. While the levels are generally considered safe, there is a low but significant amount of glyphosate that gets into our food supply.
Food Tolerances
Before allowing the use of a pesticide on food crops, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets a tolerance or limit on how much pesticide residue can legally remain on food and feed products. Residues of glyphosate on any food or feed item are safe for consumers up to the established tolerances.
In summary, Roundup, containing glyphosate, is widely used in agriculture and other areas, which can lead to contamination of food and feed products. While the levels of glyphosate residues in food are generally considered safe, there is a low but significant amount of glyphosate that gets into our food supply.
Just to be clear
Genetic modification is a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or microorganisms. Combining genes from different organisms is known as recombinant DNA technology and the resulting organism is said to be ‘Genetically modified (GM)’, ‘Genetically engineered’ or ‘Transgenic’. The principal transgenic crops grown commercially in field are herbicide and insecticide resistant
Food Sources:
- Grains: Glyphosate has been detected in many types of grains, including wheat, oats, barley, and corn. This is because glyphosate is often used as a pre-harvest desiccant to dry out crops, making them easier to harvest.
- Fruits and Vegetables: Glyphosate has been found in some fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, and sweet potatoes.
- Beans and Legumes: Glyphosate has been detected in beans, lentils, and other legumes.
- Meat and Dairy: Glyphosate has been found in some meat and dairy products, as animals may be fed glyphosate-contaminated feed.
- Processed Foods: Glyphosate has been detected in some processed foods, such as cereals, bread, and baked goods.
Levels of Glyphosate:
- High levels: Some studies have found high levels of glyphosate in certain foods, such as:
- Oats: up to 300 times the allowed limit
- Wheat: up to 100 times the allowed limit
- Barley: up to 50 times the allowed limit
- Low levels: Other studies have found lower levels of glyphosate in foods, often below the allowed limits.
Regulatory Limits:
- USDA: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows up to 30 parts per million (ppm) of glyphosate in food.
- EU: The European Union allows up to 20 ppm of glyphosate in food.
Health Concerns:
- Cancer Risk: Some studies have linked glyphosate to an increased risk of cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
- Endocrine Disruption: Glyphosate has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor, which may affect hormone balance and overall health.
- Digestive Issues: Glyphosate has been linked to digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and leaky gut syndrome.
Tips to Reduce Exposure:
- Buy Organic: Choose organic produce to minimize exposure to glyphosate.
- Avoid Processed Foods: Limit consumption of processed foods, which may contain higher levels of glyphosate.
- Cooking: Cooking can break down glyphosate, so cooking your food may help reduce exposure.
- Filter Water: Use a water filter to reduce exposure to glyphosate in drinking water.
Read our post on water quality
I appreciate the thorough overview of the safety assessments and long-term studies regarding GMOs. It’s important to consider all perspectives when discussing this controversial topic.
It’s important to be mindful of glyphosate exposure and take steps to reduce it in our daily lives. Thank you for providing these helpful tips!
The debate over GMOs is complex, with scientific consensus conflicting with public perception and concerns about corporate control. It’s important to weigh the evidence and make informed choices about the food we consume.